What You Need to Know About Dense Breasts and Why it’s Important

15 Feb 2023 in

Have you ever had a mammogram and received the report from your radiologist with the words “dense breast tissue” written in the summary? If you were confused by this, you’re not alone.

Dense breast tissue is a significant risk factor for breast cancer. So much so that many states, including California, now require that all women who have dense breasts be informed of this either by letter or on their mammogram report.

Covid-19 Pandemic Takes a Toll on Breast Cancer Screening

12 Jul 2022 in

Studies have long shown that when it comes to breast cancer, early detection is the key to survival. A recent study found that women who had been regular with their scheduled screening mammography appointments before a cancer diagnosis had a 49% lower risk of breast cancer mortality and a 50% lower risk of breast cancer death within 10 years of diagnosis (Radiology, March 2, 2021).

Can Breast Ultrasound Replace Mammography?

23 May 2022 in

Question: Lately, I’ve been seeing a lot of ads online promoting breast ultrasound as an alternative to mammography. Is it true that I can have a breast ultrasound instead of a mammogram and still get accurate results?

The general answer to this question is no.

Skipping Mammograms Increases Risk of Breast Cancer Death

14 Oct 2021 in

Skipping Mammograms Increases Risk of Breast Cancer Death

When it comes to breast cancer, early detection is the key to survival. It has long been held by experts, including the physicians at RadNet and Breastlink, that the sooner a doctor finds a woman’s cancer, the more likely she is to survive. The connection between mammogram screenings and breast cancer survival rates has been evaluated in multiple studies, and most have demonstrated that early mammogram screenings save lives.

What’s the Deal with Breast Self Exams

01 Nov 2019 in

Health organizations drop recommendations for Breast Self-Exams and instead promote Breast Self Awareness.

For over 70 years health care professionals have been advising women to perform regular breast self-exams as a critical screening tool for breast cancer detection. Recently however, there have been conflicting recommendations, leaving patients confused about the whole matter.

Breastlink Tests New Optoacoustic Imaging Machine

05 Jul 2018 in

Breastlink Women’s Imaging Temecula recently participated in a clinical trial that tested a cancer screening machine designed to differentiate between benign and malignant breast tumors. The goal of the trial was to see whether the machine could reduce false positive diagnoses. It was conducted at 16 academic and private institutions across the nation. Dr. Tchaiko Parris, Director of Breast Imaging at Breastlink Temecula, oversaw the majority of the testing in Southern California.

Why You Shouldn’t Wear Deodorant When Getting a Mammogram

09 Nov 2017 in

A lot of women don’t understand why radiologists ask them not to wear deodorant when they come in for a mammogram. Most deodorants and antiperspirants contain aluminum, which blocks sweat ducts and prevents you from perspiring. The amount of aluminum in the average bar of deodorant is small, however, even a small amount is enough to interfere with a mammogram.

Myth: Breast Self Exam Doesn’t Work

02 Jul 2017 in

Myth: Breast Self Exam Doesn’t Work

Reality: Breast Self Exams Can Be Lifesaving!

Until recently, all women were encouraged to do monthly breast self-exams (BSE) starting at age 21. However, new guidelines from the Komen Foundation and the American Cancer society state that women do not need to do self-exam, but should be “self-aware” and report any change to their doctor. Just how a woman becomes “self-aware” without some form of training is not explained.

Beginning Breast Cancer Screening at 50 Misses 20 Percent of Cancers

13 Jun 2017 in

Delaying breast cancer screening until age 50 misses 20 percent of breast cancers, according to a study published by the American Journal of Roentgenology. The study examined 32,762 mammograms from women aged 40-79, as well as their prognosis and attendant risk factors. Of that group, 808 women received biopsies and 224 were diagnosed with breast cancer. Though the majority of breast cancers were found in women over 50, 18.8 percent were found in women 40-49.